

Terra Preta Vitis – What is it?

The indigenous people of South America discovered that which today commands the attention of many an inquiring soil scientist:
with the help of wood charcoal an extremely stable humus soil is built up and in our case is used as the foundation for a climate neutral viticulture in the vineyard.

In the beginning was the „Weinklim”

This idea to combine TerraPreta with climate neutral viticulture was developed in Traisental.
In the research project "Weinklim" first steps were taken to comprehend scientific data on the soil, climate and climate efficacy of and at all stages of the process. Various models present potential for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the results thereof were unequivocal: The soil is the key to climate neutral viticulture! 

Terra Preta
  Weingut Rudolf Hofmann, Oberndorferstraße 41, A-3133 Traismauer, Traisental, Tel. +436763133566, office(at)weingut-hofmann.at